iREEC 2022: 2nd International Conference of
International Researchers of the
Education for Environmental Citizenship 2022
Online Event
10-11 of March 2022
International Conference | Location | Dates | Important Deadlines | Registration to the conference | Formatted abstract submission | Instructions for presentations | Conference Venue | Airports | Hotels | Public Transportation | About Prague| Local Sponsors | Poster | Conference Program and Book of Abstracts | Presentations | Photo Gallery | Press Release |
1. International Conference: Call for Proposals
Environmental Citizenship is a key factor in European Green Deal and EU’s vision for Sustainable Development, Green and Cycle economy and Low-carbon society (EU-roadmap 2050). Environmental Citizenship has been an influential concept in many different arenas such as economy, policy, philosophy, organizations’ management, leadership and marketing and could be better exploited and established furthermore in education. Environmental Citizenship is recognized as an important aspect in addressing global environmental problems such as climate change (Stern et al., 2011; Ockwell et al., 2009), through providing support to pro-environmental organizations and individuals and contributing to public pressure for political action (e.g., signing petitions, writing to politicians and newspapers).
Education has much to contribute in adopting and promoting Environmental Citizenship. The under-explored (until recently) potential for promoting pro-environmental behavior through cultivating Environmental Citizenship should be more emphasized (Dobson, 2010) and can contribute significantly to a more sustainable world. Education for Environmental Citizenship (EEC) has much to contribute in this direction. Cultivating Environmental Citizenship is about empowering people to develop their knowledge, competencies and dispositions necessary for responsible environmental engagement and civic participation. The European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC), which is active in 37 countries, was established to promote theoretical and applied understanding of Education for Environmental Citizenship and provides the following definition of EEC:
“Education for Environmental Citizenship” (EEC) is defined as the type of education which cultivates a coherent and adequate body of knowledge as well as the necessary skills, values, attitudes and competences that an environmental citizen should be equipped with in order to be able to act and participate in society as an agent of change in the private and public sphere, on a local, national and global scale, through individual and collective actions, in the direction of solving contemporary environmental problems, preventing the creation of new environmental problems, in achieving sustainability as well as developing a healthy relationship with nature. “Education for Environmental Citizenship” (EEC) is important to empower citizens to exercise their environmental rights and duties, as well as to identify the underlying structural causes of environmental degradation and environmental problems, develop the willingness and the competences for critical and active engagement and civic participation to address those structural causes, acting individually and collectively within democratic means and taking into account the inter- and intra-generational justice (ENEC 2018)[1].
Education for Environmental Citizenship can be examined in different educational levels such as primary and secondary education and in different educational settings such as formal and non-formal education. In the iREEC 2022 conference the different ways and educational approaches with which Environmental Citizenship can be promoted will be emphasized.
The iREEC 2022 is an international conference in which original research papers, theoretical papers and reports, from throughout the world, dealing with Education for Environmental Citizenship in all levels (pre-primary, primary, lower-secondary, upper-secondary, tertiary, higher education) and all settings-formalities (formal, non-formal, informal education) can be presented. The purpose of iREEC 2022 is to contribute to advancing the understanding of environmental and sustainability education through the lens of research that explores and promotes EC through education Multidisciplinary research and approaches combining environmental education, sustainability education, science education and citizenship education are also accepted.
Α. iREEC 2022 Conference aims to:
- Present research on scientific and educational activities that exemplify developments toward achieving environmental citizenship.
- Emphasize educational research that focuses on empowering citizens to exercise their environmental rights and duties, identifying the underlying structural causes of environmental degradation, as well as developing the competences for critical and active engagement and civic participation.
- Conduct scientific dialogue on educational challenges deriving from the theoretical foundations of environmental citizenship (as a field that integrates knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and competences and is situated at the interface of natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities) and demonstrate how these are addressed in formal and non-formal education.
- Promote and support best practices that cultivate the type of values, attitudes, skills and competences that an environmental citizen should be equipped with in order to act and participate in society as an agent of change.
Β. Submit a proposal:
You are invited to submit a proposal on one of the following sessions, and in one of the following types of presentations:
iREEC 2022 Sessions:
- Social, economic and political dimensions of Environmental Citizenship
- Environmental Citizenship as a psychological construct (Knowledge(s), Values, Beliefs, Attitudes, Skills and Competencies and Environmental Citizenship)
- Environmental Citizenship in the context of Environmental Education & Education for Sustainability (Responsible Environmental Behaviour, Youth Activism, Education for Sustainability and Environmental Citizenship)
- Environmental Citizenship in different sectors (heritage, tourism, transport, cities, etc.)
- Education for Environmental Citizenship in Formal Education
- Education for Environmental Citizenship in Non-Formal Education
- Education for Environmental Citizenship in In-Formal Education.
C. iREEC 2022 Presentation types:
- Oral presentation (15 min presentation and 5 min discussion)
- Poster in Interactive Poster Session
- Symposium with at least 3 papers. In the case of a symposium, a minimum of three different countries should be represented.
D. iREEC 2022 Proposals’ Information:
Each proposal should include the following in ONE SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT with authors’ information (Full Names and Affiliations) AND ONE SINGLE WORD DOCUMENT without authors’ information (Full Names and Affiliations):
- Author(s) information (Full Names and Affiliations)
- Proposal Title
- Keywords (up to six)
- Preferred session (select one from the iREEC 2022 Sessions)
- Type of presentation (Oral presentation, Poster in Interactive Poster Session, Symposium).
- A paper including: title, authors, session, theoretical background or rationale, key objectives, research design and methodology, findings, conclusions and reference list (400 words maximum, excluding tables, figures, references).
- Naming of the proposal files: File 1: 1st AuthorSurname_1st keyword.doc. Please ensure that the files have different names, in the case of submission of more than one proposal files by the same 1st Author. File 2: No name_1st keyword.doc. Please ensure that the file 2 has no names or authors’ information. The two files (File 1 and File 2) of the same work should have the same 1st keyword.
E. Submission of Proposals:
Proposals should be electronically submitted in the e-mail below:
Proposals received after the 31st of October 2021 will not be considered.
F. Registration:
Presenters of all accepted presentations are required to register for the conference on the following link:
All attendees should make a registration even they will not make a presentation in the conference.
G. Peer reviewed publication:
The ENEC Steering Committee will consider publishing a special issue of a peer reviewed journal based on selected papers presented at iREEC 2022. The selected papers will be invited to prepare and submit an expanded version (instructions to be forthcoming).
H. Important Deadlines for iREEC 2022 are:
- Opening of submission: 1st of May 2021
- Final submission deadline: 31st of October 2021
- Notification of review results: 30th of November 2021
- Beginning of registration: 20th of January 2022
- End of registration: 10th of February 2022
- International Conference Dates: 10-11 of March 2022
I. Submission and Registration:
Presenters of all accepted presentation are required to register for the international conference.
J. International Conference Proceedings:
The 2nd International Conference of International Researchers of the Education reprint
K. Evaluation of Proposals:
Proposals will be reviewed under the following criteria:
Empirical studies:
- Research: Is the proposal concerned with research in Education for Environmental Citizenship?
- Subject / problem: What is the research problem or question? What is the rationale for the study? What is the theoretical framework?
- Design and methodology: What is the design of the study? Are the research methods clearly described and appropriate?
- Data analysis and findings: Are the data clearly presented? Is there consistency between data and findings? (except for theoretical papers)
- General interest: Is the contribution of interest to International researchers in the field?
Theoretical Works:
- Summary of argument: The paper’s analytical objective/s / The main theoretical arguments / The conceptual issues that the paper aims to deal with
- Theoretical background: provision of theoretical framework
- Conceptual arguments: main conceptual innovations, contribution, ideas or analytical tools/frameworks
- General interest: Contribution to international discourse on EC, EEC (and related educational approaches)
The standards, in terms of quality, will be the same for oral and poster presentations. The following criteria will be applied:
For oral presentations (including a presentation at a symposium):
- Work to be presented should be reaching completion or be complete and well thought through.
- Data should be available.
- Content should be of high interest and/or relevance.
For poster presentations:
- Work may be under development.
- Findings may be tentative or not yet available.
- Content may be of less interest and/or relevance.
L. Important Rules:
Some important rules to keep in mind.
The following rules are applied to iREEC 2022:
- No participant may submit more than two first authored paper.
- No participant may present more than twice during the international conference.
- The first authors/contact persons of accepted proposals will receive the iREEC 2022 international conference guidelines for papers and the registration form and (s)he will share the information with all the authors of the specific proposal.
- The conference language will be English.
- At least one author of each proposal should participate and register to the iREEC 2022
M. Location:
Online Event [due to Covid-19 the conference will be online instead of Prague, Czech Republic (Charles University)]
N. The International Scientific Committee of the iREEC 2022, is composed of the following members:
- Dr Andreas Ch. HADJICHAMBIS, Chair of ENEC
- Prof Pedro REIS, Vice–Chair of ENEC
- Dr Marie-Christine KNIPPELS, Dissemination Board Coordinator of ENEC
- Dr Audronė TELESIENE, Leader of the ICC Committee of ENEC
- Prof Daphne GOLDMAN, Vice-Leader of the ICC Committee of ENEC
- Dr Demetra PARASKEVA-HADJICHAMBI, Grant Holder Manager of ENEC
- Dr Jan CINCERA, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of iREEC 2022
- Dr. Kateřina JANČAŘÍKOVÁ, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
O. Local Organizing Committee of iREEC 2022:
- Roman KROUFEK, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
- Kateřina JANČAŘÍKOVÁ, Charles University
- Tereza STREJČKOVÁ, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
- Jan ČINČERA, Masaryk University
- Lucie ČECHOVSKÁ, Masaryk University
- Karel VOJÍŘ, Charles University
- Linda NĚMEČKOVÁ, Charles University
- Martin MODRÝ, Charles University
P. Abstracts:
Τhe accepted Abstracts will be published in a dedicated volume of Environmental Sciences Proceedings using a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, meaning authors retain copyright and the text can be reused with attribution. For each published Abstract a digital object identifier (DOI) will be assign and register.
[1] European Network for Environmental Citizenship – ENEC (2018). Defining “Education for Environmental Citizenship”. Retrieved from
2. Location:
Online Event [due to Covid-19 the conference will be online instead of Prague, Czech Republic (Charles University)]
3. Conference Dates:
10-11 of March 2022
4. Registration to the conference:
Registration to the iREEC2022 conference is now open. Please, register in the conference completing the Registration Form:
The beginning of registration is on the 20th of January 2022. The End of registration is on the 10th of February 2022. We strongly recommend to register by the 30th of January 2022. Presenters who have not registered by the 10th of February 2022 cannot be included in the conference programme.
All attendees should make a registration even they will not make a presentation in the conference.
5. Formatted abstract submission:
Please use this formatted template.
The submission deadline is 20th of December 2021.
6. Instructions for presentations:
Interactive Poster Session:
The conference poster boards accept up to 120 (high) and 90 (wide) sizes, so a portrait layout would be preferable. A1 and A0 posters are acceptable. They are pin boards (pins will be provided).
Before the traditional walkaround poster presentation you will be asked to present your poster in 2 minutes(maximum) for the audience as a whole. There is no opportunity to present the poster with the aid of Power-point slides. Only 2 minute oral presentation. After the authors’ brief introduction, an in-depth discussion between them and the audience follows in the area of the poster displays. Poster session is scheduled for 60 minutes.
In the online event you can present your poster sharing your screen and you will be asked to present your poster in 5 minutes (maximum) for the audience as a whole.
Oral presentations:
The oral presentations should be maximum 15 minutes long. In addition there will be time for 5 minutes of questions and/or discussions after each presentation. Computers and projectors are available in all rooms. The easiest way is to bring your presentation on a memory stick and upload your presentation before the session starts. There should be around 5 minutes at the end of the four (or five) presentations for general questions and discussion. The Chairperson of each Oral Presentation Session will be given three coloured cards with 5 minutes (white), 2 minutes (yellow) and STOP (red) written on them so that the Chairperson can give the presenters a clear indication of the time left.
Symposium Session:
Each presenter has 20 minutes and the Chairperson as the discussant have 5 minutes. This will leave 5 minutes for discussion after each presentation and 5 minutes for open discussion at the end. It is Chairperson’s responsibility to facilitate time management. Chairperson will be given three coloured cards with 5 minutes (white), 2 minutes (yellow) and STOP (red) written on them so that Chairperson can give the presenters a clear indication of the time left.
7. Conference Venue:
8. Airports:
9. Hotels:
10. Public Transportation:
11. About Prague:
12. Local Sponsors:
13. Poster

14. Conference Program and Book of Abstracts
Find more information about the Program in the attached document.
Find the Conference Program Booklet in the attached document.